Wine is our living tradition.

Although my family is documented as early as 1347 in Schützen, it was my grandfather that first bottled wine. He also immediately won accolades for it. My parents turned their full attention to wine. From that point onwards, the focus was quality before quantity. Following this same ideal, my sister took the important steps towards organic cultivation and allowed wild yeasts to run their course. As a doctor of molecular biology, she certainly knew what she was doing - as she also did when she left for Vienna in 2012 and handed responsibilities over to me. Like my father in 2002 and my sister in 2009, I also have the honour of being awarded "Vintner of the Year" here in Austria.

I always wanted to become a vintner.
I never considered another alternative. I grew up in the outdoors and I wanted to work with and surrounded in nature. To prepare for this, I collected experience in California, Argentina and New Zealand to learn about various aspects of the wine world. I always returned home for the harvest in Schützen. Beginning in the year 2004, I gradually began to take over responsibility for the cellar. Since 2012, this lies completely in my hands. Many paths were already trodden for me; other new ones are open for me to explore. To certify the vineyards as organic and cultivate them organically without compromise was my first important step. Subsequent positive changes in vinification have nearly been a matter of course.